Boss Fight Reading

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Here it comes – the Boss Fight! We all know what these are in life. Got a difficult job interview coming up? A challenging relationship decision that you need to make? A spiritual shadow crisis where old shit keeps coming up? A negative person you have to confront? An ultimate challenge that puts you waaaay out of your comfort zone yet you need to overcome?

Let’s get ready for the Boss Fight! This reading will help you face your challenges head on, anticipate their patterns and potential struggles, and develop strategies to help you beat that boss with a full HP bar and no items lost!! And of course, you’ll be learning and perfecting your secret Ultimate Move, so this boss level doesn’t stand a chance at bringing you down!


a 1000-word PDF or a 25 min video file
a photograph of your tarot spread
worksheet for reflection
one journal prompt / exercise

1. The Boss Has Appeared – Alright, let’s get right down to business. What are you fighting? What is the challenge presented before you?
2. Pattern Recognition – In what way does this challenge reflect and trigger your habitual fears, insecurities and negative thought patterns?
3. Counter-Strike! How can you best confront these challenges? What can you do to problem solve?
4. Boss Power-Up! What are the potential difficulties that may arise? How will this challenge attempt to “overpower” you?
5. Ultimate Move! Fear not, for YOU are invincible. How can you tap into your inner strength, your courage, your wisdom, and your light to face the monster head on?
6. Victory and Level Up! What is your reward and how will you have grown? Let’s collect those EXP’s!!!


☆ You have an upcoming challenge that is stressing you out with anxiety and overwhelm
☆ You are struggling with your confidence and you want to cast your insecurities aside and step into your full power!
☆ You want to step into your own heroism in this epic tale of yours and grab life by the throat and frigging triumph!!!
☆ You are a gamifier and you love the idea of using creative and RPG-themed lingo to explore your current life story, problem solve, and level up!
☆ You are looking for an exciting and themed tarot reading with energizing language that will help you slay and conquer!


After purchasing a tarot reading through PayPal, please be sure to send a message to with the following information:

1. Information on the reading you purchased
2. The name & e-mail associated with your PayPal account
3. A paragraph or two on what you would like the reading to address and explore

You can also do so by using the contact form here!

What are my readings like? Read more about my approaches and ethics here!